Minecraft for consoles getting new default female character, Alex, this week

Minecraft‘s Steve is getting some company on consoles. Developer Mojang says it’s adding a new free skin to the game, the woman character named Alex, to better “represent the diversity of our playerbase.”

Mojang’s Owen Hill wrote on the developer’s official blog that when new players start playing Minecraft, “there aren’t many looks to choose from.” There’s the blue-shirted default character known as Steve. And that’s pretty much it.

“Now, everyone loves Steve — he’s probably the most famous minecrafter in the world, and has excellent stubble,” Hill wrote. “But jolly old Steve doesn’t really represent the diversity of our playerbase. For that reason, we’re giving all players opportunity to play with an Alex skin instead. She brings thinner arms, redder hair, and a ponytail; she actually looks a bit like [Minecraft designer Jens Bergensten] from certain angles.”

Alex was first added as a default skin to the PC versions of Minecraft private server with version 1.8 (aka “The Bountiful Update”) in September 2014.

Players on all consoles will get the Alex skins for free this Wednesday, Hill said. PlayStation owners will get access to The Simpsons skin pack this week as well.